Dandelion Travels
I was recently having a conversation on a motivational group I am a part of about journaling. That conversation made me reflect on myself because I used to write ALL THE TIME. It felt good, writing was therapeutic and cleansing. Through the years I would begin writing again and I would get one solid piece of work out that was filled to the brim with thoughts and goals and I never picked it back up. I would return the next year with a positive force and determination that I will become a writing fool again and then alas, the same issue happens. I don't write. What's wrong with me? Am I even Hollie any more? Hollie writes. Hollie has written her whole life. I am still me. The passed 4 years had been insanely busy. As busy as you would expect a full time student/full time employee/mother of 4 would be. However, once I finally graduated two of my 4 children have moved out and begun there own lives I have made a discovery. I have free time. WHAT? I thought that was a myth. Lo and be...